Saturday, June 21, 2008

Tis the Season... today started bright and early again. I wasn't alone, though. I had Kirstin, Penny, and Jess to start the morning off with. I must say, we all make one heck of a team! We had several appointments and were overbooked on dogs, but together we did amazing things! It was GREAT! After breakfast was fed and appointments were taken care of, I sat down and started assignining rooms to dogs for the next several days. After about three hours of mulling over the appointment book and room charts, I realized that there was no good place to stop because we have so many booking over the next several weeks. I had to keep going so that our staff don't take more dogs than we can handle. It's an amazing feeling to have such a thriving business so quickly. God has definitely blessed us in ways I never would have imagined.

Ya's kinda funny thinking about that. I never imagined in my life that at 23, 24, and 25 years old, I would be my own boss and own my own successful business, and never even fathomed that I would own two. When I was a kid my family always told me that since my second toe (if it was a hand it would be the index finger) was longer than my big toe, I would be my own boss one day. We always talked about it and joked about it, but I never imagined it would really happen. Some of those old tales are pretty crazy sometimes. God has blessed me sooooooo much and brought me soooooo far. It's pretty neat to look back at all of the things that happened to make me who I am today and to see all of the cool stuff that He's done in and with my life. I'm glad I'm only 25 and that I have many many years to go. I believe it can only get better. =)

It's gonna be a crazy few weeks so I'm gonna go watch a movie and enjoy my down-time. Have a great evening!!!!!!

1 comment:

Mommy pfohl said...

You go! I'm proud of ya and it sounds like you are doing an awesome job! -Mindy