Thursday, October 9, 2008


Ok....all I can say is AMAZING and INCREDIBLE!!!!

We got to Atlanta last night (after sitting at the Pittsburgh airport for 3 hours IN THE PLANE waiting to depart because Atlanta's airport put a hold on all flights due to weather), caught a shuttle to the hotel and ordered Papa Johns AND Chinese for dinner because we couldn't decide which would taste better.

This morning we got up early and got the the arena. THIS EVENT IS AMAZING! From the parking lot we got a ride in a Hummer H2 stretch limo to the white carpet and registration area. Got into the event and it has been AMAZING. Started off with worship by Steve Fee...which ROCKED... and then had the first session with Andy Stanley. He is just awesome. I will give some more nuggets of his message later sometime. It was very much so a convicting message. Now we are listening to Lanny Donoho and Reggie Joiner....uhmmm....Lanny just carried in a anyway...they are introducing Jim Collins. Gonna listen to him and will shout back later! Hope everyone is having as much fun as me!!!! =)

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