Friday, June 20, 2008


WHAT A DAY!!! It's been NUTTTZZZZ around here! This morning started off with a cold glass of Sweet Tea, me and about 20 dogs. I had the early shift at Play-N-Stay Pet I got the privilege of letting out all of the groups, feeding breakfast, taking and returning a BUNCH of phone calls, and handling a couple hours worth of appointments (check-in and check-out). I also figured payroll and cut paychecks, and did shot records on the new puppies for The Perky Puppy. By 2:00pm, I was STARVING so I got a quick lunch break. It was REALLY quick because The Perky Puppy was booming with phone calls and customers. I took some phone calls and helped some customers and took off to pick up two pups from the vets office that we just had neutered. Upon return... back to introduce the new dogs to their new play groups and feed dinner. What a wild day! Gotta love being in business!!!!!!!! =)'s almost 7pm and I'm gonna go chill for a bit before I have to go back to Play-N-Stay for the late evening and last night run. =)

1 comment:

Mommy pfohl said...

Good night! You still make me tired! You are one active girl! Welcome to bloggine! -Mindy